Ansys Additive Manufacturing

3D metal Printing simulation software

Additive Suite spans the entire workflow from design for additive manufacturing through validation, print design, process simulation, and exploration of materials. 

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Key Features

Gain insights through automated workflows to eliminate the risk of distorted or out of tolerance parts, and ensure high quality components.

Design for AM

CAD Modeling
Topology Optimization
Lattice and Light weighting

Build Setup

STL file repair and geometry manipulation
Part nesting and support generation
Orientation guidance and wizards

Data Acquisition and Managment

Traceability and full control of AM data
Consolidate, control and share AM data across organization

Part Qualification

Design validation
Structural and thermal analysis
Document control and certification

Additional Resources

Enhance your product knowledge and selection with our in-depth materials resources.


When Is It TIme to Upgrade Your CFD?


Determining Porous Media Coefficients in Ansys CFD

YouTube Video

Ansys Fluent Postprocessing Tips (YouTube)

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